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our process

1. The Discovery Process

First and foremost, we want to help you make more informed decisions, so you can more fully understand the options that we offer you. We want YOU to be in control of your money. In addition to our private and confidential Goal Setting sessions, we’ll provide you multiple opportunities to read reports and guides and watch videos on subjects you want to become familiar with to help facilitate your journey. All of our resources are available to you at no cost, regardless of whether you ultimately work with us or not.

  • Free reports outlining strategies that may work for your situation

  • A wealth of video resources, including hypothetical case studies

  • Unlimited feedback on your insights and questions as you watch and read

  • A collaboration to establish reasonable goals unique to you

  • A thorough analysis of your financial situation

The result? We will help you identify stumbling blocks in your retirement preparation today and potential income gaps tomorrow. Our goal is to leverage all sources to help you maximize your social security benefits to potentially get more from all your retirement income sources.

2. Preliminary Discussion

This can take place wherever it is convenient for you—in your home or office, in our office or at some other location. Or, we can even do it by phone or web conference if you prefer. With over 350 representatives around the country, we can accommodate whatever works best for you. During our discussion, we get into the details of your retirement dreams and help you determine the answer to these very important questions: What do you need your money to do for you? Do you want maybe income or permanent income? This is where we spend as much time as we need to understand your situation, address your concerns, answer your questions and potentially uncover factors you have not considered that could impact the long-term success of your retirement finances.

3. Review of Your Resources

Once your financial professional has reviewed your situation and knows what you hope to accomplish, we begin to suggest options. Some of this may occur in the first session, but we will never rush you into anything. We want to take all the time needed to get a full, clear picture of the circumstances and to establish a relationship with you. A shared vision, based on a genuine relationship is a crucial element for success, now and throughout your retirement years.

4. Utilization of Available Tools

Whatever your goals, we seek out annuity contracts and features that we believe may get you the most income for the least amount of premium. We will assess the benefits and present ones we feel best fit your needs and goals. Because of the proprietary nature of our strategies whereby we will evaluate many products available to create individualized combinations of products, we may be able to get you up to 40% more cash flow than you would normally attain without us. We may research over 300 product combinations involving over 100 companies to find the combination that may best suit your requirements. Our exclusively trained financial professionals can negotiate that path quite skillfully. Once you give permission, we will start working with the insurance companies that offer the contracts we feel will best help you achieve more of your goals.

5. Collaboration on Your Goals

We know how important decisions about your retirement finances can be, and that you want to be sure before you act. When the premium requirements are put together, your representative will present our findings to you and explain the differences among the annuity contracts – including pros and cons to each. Again, we will answer your questions and give you whatever time you need to decide which, if any, of the products we’ve presented fit with what you’re looking to achieve.

6. The Decisions

This is all for and about you. We don’t tell you what to do with your money. We guide, and you decide. We will help you weigh your options so you can make a more informed decision. If you decide to follow one of the paths we have identified, we help implement it for you. This part can take several weeks. We’ll stay in touch with you throughout the process, and you can call us any time in the interim if new questions arise.

7. Ongoing Support

As soon as all the financial product pieces are in place, we will arrange time with you to finalize the strategy—signing contracts and funding. Then we want you to be able to relax and reap the benefits. We wish to remain your financial professionals specializing in your retirement income strategy for the rest of your life. That’s why we focus on building relationships early on. So, if your life circumstances are altered — or some other unforeseen situation arises — we will be there and ready to help you negotiate the changes you need to make.

Your Guided Planning System (GPS): Next Steps

The Interview


Our office will match you with a licensed insurance agent in your area - who you can meet with in person wherever you are most comfortable OR in an online virtual meeting.

This is a FREE, no obligation, 100% confidential discovery session where you'll learn if an annuity is right for you and we'll learn how we can help you achieve your retirement goals.

Discovery Session


Before this meeting, our licensed professional will analyze your: 

  • taxes

  • investment portfolio and fees

  • stock certificates, bonds & CDs

  • life insurance, annuities and long-term care benefits

We will zone in on your retirement income goals, using retirement-focused software that allows you to visualize your retirement reality. Together, you'll use this powerful tool to quickly assess and solve for any gaps or risk you may face.

Strategy Meeting


This is the last and final step of our 3-Step "GPS" Process.

This also happens to be our favorite step!

We bring your custom-tailored retirement income strategy (plan) to you that is designed to help you maximize your potential income, minimize taxes and using a holistic approach and products from highly-rated insurance companies.

Start your journey to secure Guaranteed Lifetime Income now
By responding to this offer you may be put in touch with a licensed insurance agent regarding retirement income strategies using fixed insurance products. Insurance Marketing Solutions is an insurance agency licensed in all 50 states (AR17677332/CA0K62245/TX2034282) and all producers of Insurance Marketing Solutions have the appropriate licenses for the products they offer.
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